Free as in People

I gave this technical talk on August 30 Mozilla‘s offices in Mountain View. The talk was broadcast live on AirMozilla - 30 people attend in real life, and over 9000 participated on IRC and watched on the intertubes (including a few jellyfish). I was excited and honored to talk at Mozilla - the people who literally make the web happen. Mozilla embodies the best of Internet & open source & hacker culture. Find more awesome videos from AirMozilla here (raw video). Find more of my talks on YouTube.

Telecomix and the Arab Spring

An introduction to Telecomix, a cluster of Net activists who have been called “tech support for the Arab Spring“. I’ve spoken previously about our efforts in Egypt: see this five minute talk Hacking for Freedom or this interview on Democracy Now!. Also check out this recent profile of Telecomix in Der Spiegel or Agent Urbach‘s talk at CCC camp.

Design Guide for Hacktivist Software

Guidelines for how to use technology to facilitate communication, to fight censorship & wiretapping, and during crises. The Internet and live audiences collaborated on an Etherpad outline (editable) during the talk.

Mirror Party

An early stage solution to the challenge of web censorship. Mirror Party is a distributed, censorship-resitant social mirror network in pure Javascript. It works on every browser on earth, even phones. I did a live demonstration during the talk.